Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Read more | Læs mere | Details | |
Read more Læs mere You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Members | Medlemmer | Details | |
Members Medlemmer You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Status | Status | Details | |
Status Status You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Owner | Ejer | Details | |
Owner Ejer You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Description | Beskrivelse | Details | |
Description Beskrivelse You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Group | Gruppe | Details | |
Group Gruppe You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Advanced | Avanceret | Details | |
Advanced Avanceret You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Show membership summary for group names on stream | Vis medlemsoversigt for gruppenavne i strøm | Details | |
Show membership summary for group names on stream Vis medlemsoversigt for gruppenavne i strøm You have to log in to edit this translation.
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When enabled, hovering over group names on stream will display membership and following summary. This feature is likely to slow down stream performance. | Når aktiveret, vises medlemskab og resuméet, når musen holdes over gruppenavne i fælleskabsstrømmen. Denne funktion vil sandsynligvis gøre strømmens ydeevnen langsommere. | Details | |
When enabled, hovering over group names on stream will display membership and following summary. This feature is likely to slow down stream performance. Når aktiveret, vises medlemskab og resuméet, når musen holdes over gruppenavne i fælleskabsstrømmen. Denne funktion vil sandsynligvis gøre strømmens ydeevnen langsommere. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Email Admins when a new group is created | Send en e-mail til administratorer, når en ny gruppe oprettes | Details | |
Email Admins when a new group is created Send en e-mail til administratorer, når en ny gruppe oprettes You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Users with Administrator role will receive an email when a new group is created | Brugere med administrator rolle vil modtage en e-mail, når en ny gruppe er oprettet | Details | |
Users with Administrator role will receive an email when a new group is created Brugere med administrator rolle vil modtage en e-mail, når en ny gruppe er oprettet You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Replace "invite" with "add" for Admins | Erstat "invitation" med "tilføj" for administratorer | Details | |
Replace "invite" with "add" for Admins Erstat "invitation" med "tilføj" for administratorer You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Site and Community Administrators will add users to group without the need to confirm. | Site- og fællesskabsadministratorer kan tilføje brugere til gruppen uden at skulle bekræfte. | Details | |
Site and Community Administrators will add users to group without the need to confirm. Site- og fællesskabsadministratorer kan tilføje brugere til gruppen uden at skulle bekræfte. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Force unique names | Tving unikke navne | Details | |
Force unique names Tving unikke navne You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Enabled: PeepSo will disallow creating groups with the same names. Runs a risk of exposing the existence of secret groups to non-members. | Aktiveret: PeepSo vil ikke tillade oprettelse af grupper med de samme navne. Risikerer at afsløre eksistensen af hemmelige grupper for ikke-medlemmer. | Details | |
Enabled: PeepSo will disallow creating groups with the same names. Runs a risk of exposing the existence of secret groups to non-members. Aktiveret: PeepSo vil ikke tillade oprettelse af grupper med de samme navne. Risikerer at afsløre eksistensen af hemmelige grupper for ikke-medlemmer. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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