Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
250 | 250 | Details | |
250 250 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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100 | 100 | Details | |
100 100 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Unlimited | Neograničeno | Details | |
Unlimited Neograničeno You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Allowed space per user in megabytes | Dopušteni prostor po korisniku u megabajtima | Details | |
Allowed space per user in megabytes Dopušteni prostor po korisniku u megabajtima You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Set 0 for Unlimited | Postavite 0 za Neograničeno | Details | |
Set 0 for Unlimited Postavite 0 za Neograničeno You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Maximum upload size in megabytes | Maksimalna veličina za učitavanje u megabajtima | Details | |
Maximum upload size in megabytes Maksimalna veličina za učitavanje u megabajtima You have to log in to edit this translation.
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WordPress maximum upload size allowed is %1$sMB. WordPress setting takes priority over PeepSo. If you want to allow bigger file uploads please look into WrodPress and / or your server configuration. | Maksimalna dopuštena veličina prijenosa u WordPressu je %1$sMB. WordPress postavke imaju prioritet nad PeepSo. Ako želite dopustiti učitavanje većih datoteka, pogledajte WrodPress i/ili konfiguraciju vašeg poslužitelja. | Details | |
WordPress maximum upload size allowed is %1$sMB. WordPress setting takes priority over PeepSo. If you want to allow bigger file uploads please look into WrodPress and / or your server configuration. Maksimalna dopuštena veličina prijenosa u WordPressu je %1$sMB. WordPress postavke imaju prioritet nad PeepSo. Ako želite dopustiti učitavanje većih datoteka, pogledajte WrodPress i/ili konfiguraciju vašeg poslužitelja. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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