Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Enabled: /groups/my-amazing-group/ | Aktif: /groups/my-amazing-group/ | Details | |
Enabled: /groups/my-amazing-group/ Aktif: /groups/my-amazing-group/ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Disabled: /groups/1234/ | Tidak Akif: /groups/1234/ | Details | |
Disabled: /groups/1234/ Tidak Akif: /groups/1234/ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Use slugs in group URLs | Gunakan slugs pada URL grup | Details | |
Use slugs in group URLs Gunakan slugs pada URL grup You have to log in to edit this translation.
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never | tidak pernah | Details | |
never tidak pernah You have to log in to edit this translation.
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when group name is changed | ketika nama grup diganti | Details | |
when group name is changed ketika nama grup diganti You have to log in to edit this translation.
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by the group owner | dari pemilik grup | Details | |
by the group owner dari pemilik grup You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Option 1: group slug will stay the same as the original group name. | Opsi 1: grup slug akan tetap sama dengan nama grup yang asli. | Details | |
Option 1: group slug will stay the same as the original group name. Opsi 1: grup slug akan tetap sama dengan nama grup yang asli. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Option 2: new group slug will be generated upon group name change. | Opsi 2: grup slug yang baru akan di generate ketika nama grup diganti. | Details | |
Option 2: new group slug will be generated upon group name change. Opsi 2: grup slug yang baru akan di generate ketika nama grup diganti. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Option 3: the group owner can change the slug manually. | Opsi 3: pemilik grup bisa mengganti slug secara manual. | Details | |
Option 3: the group owner can change the slug manually. Opsi 3: pemilik grup bisa mengganti slug secara manual. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Group slug changes | Perubahan grup slug | Details | |
Group slug changes Perubahan grup slug You have to log in to edit this translation.
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SEO | SEO | Details | |
SEO SEO You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Show or hide the groups creation dates in the groups listing | Tampilkan atau sembunyikan tanggal grup dibuat pada grup listing | Details | |
Show or hide the groups creation dates in the groups listing Tampilkan atau sembunyikan tanggal grup dibuat pada grup listing You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Show creation date | Tampilkan tanggal dibuat | Details | |
Show creation date Tampilkan tanggal dibuat You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Show or hide the groups listing from visitors who are not logged in | Tampilkan atau sembunyikan grup listing dari pengunjung yang belum login | Details | |
Show or hide the groups listing from visitors who are not logged in Tampilkan atau sembunyikan grup listing dari pengunjung yang belum login You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Allow guest access | Izinkan akses guest | Details | |
Allow guest access Izinkan akses guest You have to log in to edit this translation.
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