Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Send an email notification to the user, warning them about failed login attempts. | 向用户发送电子邮件通知,警告他们失败的登录尝试。 | Details | |
Send an email notification to the user, warning them about failed login attempts. 向用户发送电子邮件通知,警告他们失败的登录尝试。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
or Cancel
Repeat email field | 重复电子邮件字段 | Details | |
Repeat email field 重复电子邮件字段 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Allow searching user emails | 允许搜索用户电子邮件 | Details | |
Allow searching user emails 允许搜索用户电子邮件 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Featured images | 精选图片 | Details | |
Featured images 精选图片 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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{sitename} - Reported Content | {sitename} - 新的举报内容 | Details | |
{sitename} - Reported Content {sitename} - 新的举报内容 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Admin Email | 管理员电子邮箱 | Details | |
Admin Email 管理员电子邮箱 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Customize the entire email layout | 自定义整个电子邮件布局 | Details | |
Customize the entire email layout 自定义整个电子邮件布局 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Available variables: <br/>{email_contents} - email contents <font color="red">*</font><br/>{unsubscribeurl} - URL of the user notification preferences <font color="red">*</font><br/>{currentuserfullname} - full name of the recipient<br>{useremail} - email of the recipient<br/>{sitename} - the name of your site<br/>{siteurl} - the URL of your site<br/><br/><font color="red">*</font> required variable | 可用变量:<br/>{email_contents} - 电子邮件内容<font color="red">*</font><br/>{unsubscribeurl} - 用户同志首选项的URL <font color="red">*</font><br/>{currentuserfullname} - 收件人的全名<br>{useremail} - 收件人的电子邮箱 <br/>{sitename} - 您网站的名称<br/>{siteurl} - 您网站的URL <br/><br/><font color="red">*</font> 必需的变量 | Details | |
Available variables: <br/>{email_contents} - email contents <font color="red">*</font><br/>{unsubscribeurl} - URL of the user notification preferences <font color="red">*</font><br/>{currentuserfullname} - full name of the recipient<br>{useremail} - email of the recipient<br/>{sitename} - the name of your site<br/>{siteurl} - the URL of your site<br/><br/><font color="red">*</font> required variable 可用变量:<br/>{email_contents} - 电子邮件内容<font color="red">*</font><br/>{unsubscribeurl} - 用户同志首选项的URL <font color="red">*</font><br/>{currentuserfullname} - 收件人的全名<br>{useremail} - 收件人的电子邮箱 <br/>{sitename} - 您网站的名称<br/>{siteurl} - 您网站的URL <br/><br/><font color="red">*</font> 必需的变量 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Emails | 电子邮件 | Details | |
Emails 电子邮件 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This section controls the settings and layout of all emails sent by PeepSo: notifications, registration, forgot password etc. | 此部分控制PeepSo发送的所有电子邮件的设置和布局:通知、注册、忘记密码等。 | Details | |
This section controls the settings and layout of all emails sent by PeepSo: notifications, registration, forgot password etc. 此部分控制PeepSo发送的所有电子邮件的设置和布局:通知、注册、忘记密码等。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Email alerts | 电子邮件警报 | Details | |
Email alerts 电子邮件警报 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Additional emails to receive notifications about new reports. | 接收有关新举报通知的额外电子邮件。 | Details | |
Additional emails to receive notifications about new reports. 接收有关新举报通知的额外电子邮件。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Force valid email addresses | 强制使用有效的电子邮件地址 | Details | |
Force valid email addresses 强制使用有效的电子邮件地址 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Must be a valid eMail address | 必须是有效的电子邮件地址 | Details | |
Must be a valid eMail address 必须是有效的电子邮件地址 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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All enabled email notifications will be sent out immediately. | 所有启用的电子邮件通知将立即发送。 | Details | |
All enabled email notifications will be sent out immediately. 所有启用的电子邮件通知将立即发送。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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