Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This will be sent to a comment owner when another user comments on the comment | Þetta mun verða sennt til Þann sem á Athugasemdina þegar annar Notandi skrifar Svar á Athugasemd | Details | |
This will be sent to a comment owner when another user comments on the comment Þetta mun verða sennt til Þann sem á Athugasemdina þegar annar Notandi skrifar Svar á Athugasemd You have to log in to edit this translation.
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User Reply Comment | Notandi Hefur Svarað Athugarsemd | Details | |
User Reply Comment Notandi Hefur Svarað Athugarsemd You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will be sent to a post owner when another user comments on the post | Þetta mun verða sennt þegar annar Notandi Skrifar Athugasemd á Innlegg | Details | |
This will be sent to a post owner when another user comments on the post Þetta mun verða sennt þegar annar Notandi Skrifar Athugasemd á Innlegg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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User Comment | Athuasemd Notanda | Details | |
User Comment Athuasemd Notanda You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will be sent when a user "likes" another user's post | Þetta mun verða sennt þegar Notandi "Líkar" Innlegg annars notanda | Details | |
This will be sent when a user "likes" another user's post Þetta mun verða sennt þegar Notandi "Líkar" Innlegg annars notanda You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Like Post | Líkar Við Innlegg | Details | |
Like Post Líkar Við Innlegg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will be sent when someone interacts with a user's Activity Stream | Þetta mun verða sennt þegar eitthver er virkur á Virkum Straumi | Details | |
This will be sent when someone interacts with a user's Activity Stream Þetta mun verða sennt þegar eitthver er virkur á Virkum Straumi You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Activity Notice | Virkni Tilkynning | Details | |
Activity Notice Virkni Tilkynning You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will be sent if user has unread notifications and is not receiving real-time emails. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This will be sent if user has unread notifications and is not receiving real-time emails. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Notification digest | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Notification digest You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will be sent when an Admin approves a user registration. | Þetta mun verða sennt þegar Kerfisstjóri staðfestir Notanda eftir Nýskráningu. | Details | |
This will be sent when an Admin approves a user registration. Þetta mun verða sennt þegar Kerfisstjóri staðfestir Notanda eftir Nýskráningu. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Account Approved | Aðgangur Staðfestur | Details | |
Account Approved Aðgangur Staðfestur You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will be sent to new users upon completion of the registration process when Account Verification is disabled | Þetta mun verða sennt til Notanda sem Nýskrá sig sem þurfa ekki að virkja Aðganginn Sinn | Details | |
This will be sent to new users upon completion of the registration process when Account Verification is disabled Þetta mun verða sennt til Notanda sem Nýskrá sig sem þurfa ekki að virkja Aðganginn Sinn You have to log in to edit this translation.
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New User Email (No Account Verification) | Núr Notandi Tölvupóstur (Þarfnast Ekki Staðfestingar) | Details | |
New User Email (No Account Verification) Núr Notandi Tölvupóstur (Þarfnast Ekki Staðfestingar) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will be sent to new users upon completion of the registration process | Þetta mun verða sennt til Notanda eftir Nýskráningu | Details | |
This will be sent to new users upon completion of the registration process Þetta mun verða sennt til Notanda eftir Nýskráningu You have to log in to edit this translation.
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