Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Pinned %s | Fastgjorte %s | Details | |
Pinned %s Fastgjorte %s You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Follow | Følg | Details | |
Follow Følg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Pin | Fastgør | Details | |
Pin Fastgør You have to log in to edit this translation.
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PeepSo uses usernames in user profile URLs (called "vanity URLs") - users usually want to have control over that. Especially if usernames are generated automatically via the options above. | PeepSo bruger brugernavne i brugerprofil-URL'er (kaldet "forfængeligheds-URL'er") - brugere ønsker normalt at have kontrol over det. Især hvis brugernavne oprettes automatisk ved hjælp af mulighederne ovenfor. | Details | |
PeepSo uses usernames in user profile URLs (called "vanity URLs") - users usually want to have control over that. Especially if usernames are generated automatically via the options above. PeepSo bruger brugernavne i brugerprofil-URL'er (kaldet "forfængeligheds-URL'er") - brugere ønsker normalt at have kontrol over det. Især hvis brugernavne oprettes automatisk ved hjælp af mulighederne ovenfor. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your account has been activated | Din konto er aktiveret | Details | |
Your account has been activated Din konto er aktiveret You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Any unsaved comments will be discarded. Are you sure? | Alle ikke-gemte kommentarer vil blive kasseret. Er du sikker? | Details | |
Any unsaved comments will be discarded. Are you sure? Alle ikke-gemte kommentarer vil blive kasseret. Er du sikker? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Welcome to PeepSo Reactions² | Velkommen til Peepso Reaktioner² | Details | |
Welcome to PeepSo Reactions² Velkommen til Peepso Reaktioner² You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Emotion | Følelse | Details | |
Emotion Følelse You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The field will be visible and editable only by the Admins. Enable this if you need the field to serve an Admin-only purpose (eg a temporary field draft, or Admin user notes). | Feltet vil kun være synligt og redigerbart af administratorerne. Aktiver dette, hvis du har brug for, at feltet tjener et administratorformål (f.eks. et midlertidigt feltudkast eller administrator brugernoter). | Details | |
The field will be visible and editable only by the Admins. Enable this if you need the field to serve an Admin-only purpose (eg a temporary field draft, or Admin user notes). Feltet vil kun være synligt og redigerbart af administratorerne. Aktiver dette, hvis du har brug for, at feltet tjener et administratorformål (f.eks. et midlertidigt feltudkast eller administrator brugernoter). You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Only Admin can see | Kun admin kan se | Details | |
Only Admin can see Kun admin kan se You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The field will be editable only by the Admins, and will be seen by anyone who matches the field privacy. | Feltet vil kun kunne redigeres af administratorerne og vil blive set af alle, der matcher feltets fortrolighed. | Details | |
The field will be editable only by the Admins, and will be seen by anyone who matches the field privacy. Feltet vil kun kunne redigeres af administratorerne og vil blive set af alle, der matcher feltets fortrolighed. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Only Admin can edit | Kun Admin kan redigere | Details | |
Only Admin can edit Kun Admin kan redigere You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The field will not be counted in profile completeness. | Feltet tæller ikke med i profilens fuldstændighed. | Details | |
The field will not be counted in profile completeness. Feltet tæller ikke med i profilens fuldstændighed. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The field will only show during registration. Administrators will be still able to see the field in user profiles. | Feltet vises kun under registreringen. Administratorer vil stadig kunne se feltet i brugerprofiler. | Details | |
The field will only show during registration. Administrators will be still able to see the field in user profiles. Feltet vises kun under registreringen. Administratorer vil stadig kunne se feltet i brugerprofiler. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Username cannot be an email. | Brugernavn kan ikke være en e-mailadresse. | Details | |
Username cannot be an email. Brugernavn kan ikke være en e-mailadresse. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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