Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Sat | Sab | Details | |
Sat Sab You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Fri | Sex | Details | |
Fri Sex You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thu | Qui | Details | |
Thu Qui You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Wed | Qua | Details | |
Wed Qua You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Tue | Ter | Details | |
Tue Ter You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Mon | Seg | Details | |
Mon Seg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Sun | Dom | Details | |
Sun Dom You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Every | Tudo | Details | |
Every Tudo You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If selected date is bigger than the number of days in month, email digest will be sent at the end of the month. | Se a data selecionada for maior que o número de dias em mês, o resumo de e-mail será enviado no final do mês. | Details | |
If selected date is bigger than the number of days in month, email digest will be sent at the end of the month. Se a data selecionada for maior que o número de dias em mês, o resumo de e-mail será enviado no final do mês. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How often should the Email Digest emails be sent | Quantas vezes devem ser enviados os e-mails do E-mail Digest | Details | |
How often should the Email Digest emails be sent Quantas vezes devem ser enviados os e-mails do E-mail Digest You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Send Email Digest emails to users inactive for more than | Enviar e-mails Email Digest para usuários inativos por mais de | Details | |
Send Email Digest emails to users inactive for more than Enviar e-mails Email Digest para usuários inativos por mais de You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Users who didn't visit the site in the number of days selected or more will receive the Email Digest emails. | Os usuários que não visitam o site no número de dias selecionado ou mais receberão os e-mails Email Digest. | Details | |
Users who didn't visit the site in the number of days selected or more will receive the Email Digest emails. Os usuários que não visitam o site no número de dias selecionado ou mais receberão os e-mails Email Digest. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Send Email Digest emails | Enviar e-mails Email Digest | Details | |
Send Email Digest emails Enviar e-mails Email Digest You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Email Digest emails contains only posts which have 'Public' or 'Site Members' privacy settings. All other posts, meaning with privacy settings of 'Only me' and 'Friends Only' will be ignored and not sent as part of the Email Digest. | E-mails do Email Digest que contenham apenas as postagens que têm configurações de privacidade 'Público' ou 'Membros do Site'. Todos os outros postos, ou seja, com as configurações de privacidade 'Apenas eu' e 'Apenas amigos' serão ignorados e não enviados como parte do Email Digest. | Details | |
Email Digest emails contains only posts which have 'Public' or 'Site Members' privacy settings. All other posts, meaning with privacy settings of 'Only me' and 'Friends Only' will be ignored and not sent as part of the Email Digest. E-mails do Email Digest que contenham apenas as postagens que têm configurações de privacidade 'Público' ou 'Membros do Site'. Todos os outros postos, ou seja, com as configurações de privacidade 'Apenas eu' e 'Apenas amigos' serão ignorados e não enviados como parte do Email Digest. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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These settings control the Email Digest plugin. The plugin has been designed to interest and bring inactive users back to your community by showing them most interesting and engaging posts from a given period. | Essas configurações controlam o plugin Email Digest. O plugin foi concebido com intuito de trazer os usuários inativos de volta para sua comunidade, mostrando-lhes postagens mais interessantes e cativantes de um determinado período. | Details | |
These settings control the Email Digest plugin. The plugin has been designed to interest and bring inactive users back to your community by showing them most interesting and engaging posts from a given period. Essas configurações controlam o plugin Email Digest. O plugin foi concebido com intuito de trazer os usuários inativos de volta para sua comunidade, mostrando-lhes postagens mais interessantes e cativantes de um determinado período. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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