Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Other popular posts | =nnur Vinsæl Innlegg | Details | |
Other popular posts =nnur Vinsæl Innlegg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Most liked post | Mest Líkuð Innlegg | Details | |
Most liked post Mest Líkuð Innlegg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Most commented post | Mest Athugasendir Innlegg | Details | |
Most commented post Mest Athugasendir Innlegg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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shared a post | Deila Innleggi | Details | |
shared a post Deila Innleggi You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Read more | Lesa Meira | Details | |
Read more Lesa Meira You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Like | Líka | Details | |
Like Líka You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Comment | Athugasemd | Details | |
Comment Athugasemd You have to log in to edit this translation.
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||| | | Details | | You have to log in to edit this translation.
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PeepSo | PeepSo | Details | |
PeepSo PeepSo You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Which User Roles should receive the emails | Hvaða Notanda Hópur á að Fá Tölvupóstinn | Details | |
Which User Roles should receive the emails Hvaða Notanda Hópur á að Fá Tölvupóstinn You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How many posts should be included per one email | Hversu Marga Færslur á Tölvupósturinn að innihala í einu | Details | |
How many posts should be included per one email Hversu Marga Færslur á Tölvupósturinn að innihala í einu You have to log in to edit this translation.
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An Email Digest email must have at least 1 new post to be sent out. If there are no new ones it won't be sent. | Tölvupóstur verður að innihalda að minnstalagi 1 nýtt Innlegg til að verða Sennt. Ef það er ekkert valið þá mun það ekki verða sennt. | Details | |
An Email Digest email must have at least 1 new post to be sent out. If there are no new ones it won't be sent. Tölvupóstur verður að innihalda að minnstalagi 1 nýtt Innlegg til að verða Sennt. Ef það er ekkert valið þá mun það ekki verða sennt. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Send Email Digest emails even if there are less posts | Senda Tölvupóst einnig ef það eru fá Innlegg | Details | |
Send Email Digest emails even if there are less posts Senda Tölvupóst einnig ef það eru fá Innlegg You have to log in to edit this translation.
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With this setting switched on, Email Digest email will also contain the most liked post from a given period and showcase it as such. | Með þessu kvekt á. Tölvupóstur mun innihalda Mest Líkuð Innlegg frá gefnum tíma til að sýna. | Details | |
With this setting switched on, Email Digest email will also contain the most liked post from a given period and showcase it as such. Með þessu kvekt á. Tölvupóstur mun innihalda Mest Líkuð Innlegg frá gefnum tíma til að sýna. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Include most liked post | Bæta Við Mest líkaða Innleggi | Details | |
Include most liked post Bæta Við Mest líkaða Innleggi You have to log in to edit this translation.
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