Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This will be sent to user based on schedule. | Þetta mun verða sennt til Notanda eftir Tímasetningu. | Details | |
This will be sent to user based on schedule. Þetta mun verða sennt til Notanda eftir Tímasetningu. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thu | Fim | Details | |
Thu Fim You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Fri | Fös | Details | |
Fri Fös You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Sat | Lau | Details | |
Sat Lau You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The time when Email Digest emails will start to be sent. Emails are sent in batches by the mailqueue, they're not all sent at once, so your users might get them at different times. | Tími sem Tölvupóstur mun verða Sendur. Tölvupóstur eru sendir í lötum með biðröð, þeir eru ekki sendir allir í einu, svo að notendur fái þá á mismunandi tíma. | Details | |
The time when Email Digest emails will start to be sent. Emails are sent in batches by the mailqueue, they're not all sent at once, so your users might get them at different times. Tími sem Tölvupóstur mun verða Sendur. Tölvupóstur eru sendir í lötum með biðröð, þeir eru ekki sendir allir í einu, svo að notendur fái þá á mismunandi tíma. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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At | Þann | Details | |
At Þann You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It's advised to switch this setting on and setup a server-side cron job. You can use this command: wget %s It can easily run every hour. | Það er Ráðlagt að Breyta Stillingum á Uppsetningu á Vefþjón-Hlið cron job. Þú getur notað Skipun: Síðuhlutir %s Það getur einfaldlega keyrt á klukkutíma Fresti. | Details | |
It's advised to switch this setting on and setup a server-side cron job. You can use this command: wget %s It can easily run every hour. Það er Ráðlagt að Breyta Stillingum á Uppsetningu á Vefþjón-Hlið cron job. Þú getur notað Skipun: Síðuhlutir %s Það getur einfaldlega keyrt á klukkutíma Fresti. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Execute Email Digest email creation via cron job | Keyra Tölvupóst Tilbúnin í gegnum cron job | Details | |
Execute Email Digest email creation via cron job Keyra Tölvupóst Tilbúnin í gegnum cron job You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Depending on the amount of inactive users in your community, not to overload the site there's a batch creation system. This setting controls how many emails will be generated in one batch. This setting does not send the emails. PeepSo mailqueue takes care of the delivery. | Fer eftir fjölda óvirkra Notanda á Samfélagsmiðlinum, ekki yfirkeyra síðuna þar sem að Hópur Tilbúnings Kerfis. Þessar Stillingar stjórna hversu Margir Tölvupóstar munu verða gerðir í einum Hóp. Þessi Stilling sendir ekki Tölvupóst. PeepSo Röð sér um Afhendingu Tölvupóst. | Details | |
Depending on the amount of inactive users in your community, not to overload the site there's a batch creation system. This setting controls how many emails will be generated in one batch. This setting does not send the emails. PeepSo mailqueue takes care of the delivery. Fer eftir fjölda óvirkra Notanda á Samfélagsmiðlinum, ekki yfirkeyra síðuna þar sem að Hópur Tilbúnings Kerfis. Þessar Stillingar stjórna hversu Margir Tölvupóstar munu verða gerðir í einum Hóp. Þessi Stilling sendir ekki Tölvupóst. PeepSo Röð sér um Afhendingu Tölvupóst. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How many emails should be created in a batch | Hvað eiga Margir Tölvupóstar að verða Sendir í einum Hóp | Details | |
How many emails should be created in a batch Hvað eiga Margir Tölvupóstar að verða Sendir í einum Hóp You have to log in to edit this translation.
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General | Almennt | Details | |
General Almennt You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Digest Email | Tölvupóstur | Details | |
Digest Email Tölvupóstur You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Wed | Mið | Details | |
Wed Mið You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The %s plugin requires the PeepSo plugin to be installed and activated. | %s Viðbót Þarf PeepSo Víðbót til að getað Uppsett eða Gert Virk. | Details | |
The %s plugin requires the PeepSo plugin to be installed and activated. %s Viðbót Þarf PeepSo Víðbót til að getað Uppsett eða Gert Virk. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Get it now! | Sækja Núna! | Details | |
Get it now! Sækja Núna! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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